Ganesh Chaturthi has been celebrated across the nation with grandeur. Bollywood celebrities have been basking in festive fervour. On Saturday, Ranbir Kapoor and his mom Neetu Kapoor participated in Ganesh Visarjan rituals. Several videos are going viral. In the video, Ranbir Kapoor and Neetu Kapoor can be seen smiling for the camera. Ranbir wore a red t-shirt for the occasion. Ditching the traditional wear, the Brahmastra actor can be seen in casual wear. Neetu Kapoor wore a green salwar suit. They can be seen performing Aarti in one of the viral videos.
Take a look at the video here where they posed for the shutterbugs before getting into the car:
Earlier this week, the Ambanis' hosted mega Ganesh Utsav celebrations at their residence. Neetu Kapoor and Ranbir Kapoor were MIA from the celebrations. Alia Bhatt attended the puja with director Ayan Mukerji.
Ranbir Kapoor will next be seen in Animal alongside Rashmika Mandanna. The makers of upcoming action thriller treated fans to a brand new poster, featuring Ranbir Kapoor. In the poster, the Brahmastra star can be seen looking all rugged in a blue suit. Along with the poster, the makers also announced the release of the teaser of the film on September 28th. Sharing the poster, T-Series captioned it, "He is elegant...He is Wild...You will see his rage on September 28th. AnimalTeaserOn28thSept @AnimalTheFilm #AnimalOn1stDec.
In June, Rashmika Mandanna wrapped the shooting of Animal. To celebrate the occasion, the actress shared pictures featuring herself, Ranbir Kapoor and the crew on Instagram. The opening frame featured Rashmika and Ranbir smiling for a selfie. In the next one, Rashmika can be seen sharing the frame with director Sandeep Reddy Vanga. In the last two photos, we get a glimpse of the team Animal. Along with the album, Rashmika wrote, "#Animal... pieces of my heart."
Take a look at the post here:
Ranbir Kapoor was last seen in Brahmastra. He recently returned from vacation in New York. He went to New York with Alia Bhatt.
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