Shah Rukh Khan hosted an Ask Me Anything session on X (formerly known as Twitter) on Friday. The actor, basking in the bumper success of Jawan, replied to fans keeping his signature wit alive. However, Shah Rukh Khan's one reply can be taken into a special context as a report suggested that everything is not fine between the film's director Atlee and Nayanthara. One fan shared her feelings and wrote on X, "I loved Azad's bond with Suji ...the single mom storyline was so subtly done and really refreshing. Thank you for representing women from all walks of life. Love you Shah." Shah Rukh Khan replied to this, "I also felt that the story of Narmada as a single mom was amazing. Unfortunately in the scheme of things couldn't find more screen time but as is was also wonderful."
Take a look at Shah Rukh Khan's reply here:
I also felt that the story of Narmada as a single mom was amazing. Unfortunately in the scheme of things couldn't find more screen time but as is was also wonderful. #Jawan
— Shah Rukh Khan (@iamsrk) September 22, 2023
A source told Hindustan Times, "She [Nayanthara] has been very upset with Atlee because her role was chopped in the film. Also, Deepika's [Padukone] character was elevated and Nayanthara's part was significantly sidelined." Deepika has a "special appearance" in the film as Vikram Rathod's (SRK) wife. The source stated that "it was not a cameo" instead Jawan was made to look like a "SRK-Deepika" film. "It was not a cameo at all. Jawan was almost made to look like an SRK-Deepika film. Nayanthara is the leading actor down south, and hence, she was not happy with the treatment of Jawan. And that can never well be the reason why we might not see her in a Bollywood project, at least not anytime soon," the source added.
Asked about Nayanthara being MIA from promotional events and the success press meet, the source clarified that the actress follows a "no promotion policy because of her bad experiences in the past. "Nayanthara follows a no promotion policy for her films because of her bad experiences in the past when she was misquoted and because she feels that her job is to act and not get involved in the promotional activities," the source said.
However, amid such reports, Nayanthara wished Atlee on his birthday. Sharing a BTS picture, Nayanthara wrote, "Happy Birthday Atlee. So proud of you." Nayanthara didn't attend the Jawan press meet due to her mother's birthday. The actor sent her virtual message and congratulated the cast and crew.
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