Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra, who got married earlier this month, have been generously sharing images and videos from their wedding festivities on social media. Now, Manish Malhotra, who designed the trousseau for the bride and groom for the wedding and other ceremonies, has shared some images of the couple from their sangeet night. In the images, Kiara is glowing in a golden ensemble, while Sidharth looks dapper in a gold, black and beige outfit. Sharing the loved-up images of the couple, the celebrated designer wrote: “Stunning Mrs and Mr Malhotra and the #glamorous sangeet night... Kiara Advani, Sidharth Malhotra #love #funtimes.” In addition to posing with one another, Kiara and Sidharth are also seen dancing in the photos.
See the post here:
Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra got married in a private wedding ceremony held in Jaisalmer, Rajasthan. The guest list included their families and close friends, among them Shahid Kapoor and Mira Rajput, Isha Ambani and Anand Piramal, Karan Johar, Juhi Chawla and Jay Mehta, as well as Manish Malhotra.
After the ceremony, the couple shared the happy news with a dialogue from their film Shershaah. It read, “Ab humari permanent booking ho gayi hai (now we are permanently booked).
Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra began dating on the sets of Shershaah, the biopic of Kargil war hero Vikram Batra. Sidharth recently spoke to News18 about the success of the film and his wedding to Kiara. The film has brought him not only critical acclaim but also love, as he found his wife while filming, the actor said. He expressed that it was meant to be, and even Vishal Batra, Vikram's twin brother, was moved and thrilled to attend their wedding. “It felt like the real Vikram and Dimple, in some parallel universe, came together. Shershaah has given me so much love and a wife too, so what else do you need from a film? I think it was meant to be. Much like us, Vishal Batra (Vikram Batra's twin brother) was extremely emotional and happy when he came to our wedding,” the actor said.
The couple's reception in Mumbai was attended by several members of Bollywood including Alia Bhatt, Varun Dhawan-Natasha Dalal, Karan Johar, Ananya Panday, Vicky Kaushal, Kareena Kapoor and Neetu Kapoor, among others.
Here are some images from their wedding festivities:
On the work front, Sidharth Malhotra will be seen next in Yodha. Meanwhile, Kiara Advani will star in Satya Prem Ki Katha opposite Kartik Aaryan and a Telugu film with Ram Charan.
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