The 13th season of Bigg Boss opens its door to the all-new celebrity contestants. Bollywood superstar, Salman Khan returns to host the season for the 10th time. This season has a line-up of celebrities with different personalities and the contestants will definitely stir up drama and spruce up the entertainment for the next 100 + days. For the first time ever, the new season of the show will speed up the activities making it a fastrack season. The first-day first show episode that is to be aired tonight began with host Salman Khan grooving to his popular dancer number ‘slow motion’. This season the makers have introduced many new things and this time around, the contestants are made to do various tasks even before they enter the house. Each task set precedence for each one's entry marked by a major twist. The one contestant who gets the maximum tasks also gets an advantage over others. Check all the live updates from the Bigg Boss 13 premiere episode right here...With their mixed bag of different personalities, the inmates of the house will stir up drama and spruce up the entertainment for the next 100 + days. For the first time ever, the new season of the show will speed up the proceedings making it a fastrack season. Along with the viewers even the stalwarts of the Bollwood industry are curious to know about the new twist in the Bigg Boss. Celebrities like Farah Khan, Karan Johar, Arbaz Khan, Sohail Khan and Jacqueline Fernandes call Salman Khan to ask various questions like who are the contestants, what is the theme of this season, why there is a finale in 4 weeks etc.
from Times of India
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